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Helpful Tips To Keep Your Pool A Safe Place This Summer


The hot and humid weather of summer leaves many of us looking for a swim.  If you own a pool, you know how great they can be.  You also know the work they take and the safety measures that are essential to keeping a pool safe for anyone using it.

Pool safety gained significant attention from the Connecticut legislature this year after Manchester High School freshman Malvrick Donkor, 14, died recently during a swim class in the main pool at Manchester High School, and 15-year-old Marcum Asiamah drowned during a swim class at East Hartford High School.

Governor Malloy just signed legislation that stipulates that schools are be required to have a trained swimming instructor or lifeguard on duty during swimming lessons, practices, or competitions. That additional person will be required to watch for and assist swimmers who are in danger.  Districts will also be required to develop safety plans for their schools.

So what steps should you take as a private pool owner?  Here are some tips:

  • Always erect safety fences that completely encircle your pool to ensure that small children cannot wander into the water unattended.  If you have a small pool or hot tub – consider using your cover when not using the pool.
  • Install pool alarms if you can.  These alarms signal when the pool has been entered by someone.
  • Always watch children at ALL times.  Children can get into trouble very quickly in water – so stay in arm's length of little ones and have inexperienced swimmers wear a Coast Guard certified life jacket.
  • Establish basic pool rules and enforce them – like no running, no diving in certain areas, no pushing and shoving near the water, and more.
  • Encourage all who may enter your pool to take swim lessons if they have not already done so.
  • Make sure to keep your pool clean at all times – applying chemicals safely and only as needed.  Doing so will help prevent the spread of illnesses.

Throughout our history, RisCassi & Davis has handled cases involving pool accidents and drownings and we can help you if you ever have a problem.

For more than 65 years, RisCassi & Davis has handled thousands of personal injury cases in Connecticut. Our personal injury lawyers have received significant local and national recognition for our handling of accident cases including:

  • Top listing in “The Best Lawyers in America” and “Best Law Firms” and much more (for more on our honors and awards, click here).

If you would like a free consultation with one of our personal injury lawyers, contact us today.

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