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What Not to Say After a Car Accident

Woman on her cell phone after a car accident

No one wants to be in a car accident, but unfortunately, it can happen. Whether you're involved in a minor fender bender or a more serious crash, it's critical to only share necessary information with the other driver and not share any of the below information.

Did a negligent driver injure you? Let the experienced Connecticut personal injury attorneys at RisCassi & Davis, P.C. work on your case. Contact us for a free, no-obligation consultation.

After a Car Accident, Don't Admit Fault

When a car accident occurs, the most important thing is to remain calm and collect your thoughts before reacting. It's not wise to discuss any details of what happened or admit fault at the scene. Let the professionals - police officers, insurance companies, and lawyers - sort out who was at fault. That way, your rights are more likely to be protected after an accident so that you don't end up in an unnecessary dispute.

After a Car Accident, Don't Post on Social Media

Today, lives are so inextricably intertwined with technology and social media that it may seem natural to post an update on what happened during a car accident. However, such posts can have serious legal consequences, as searchable and easily-shareable online information can be used by insurance companies or in court proceedings. Therefore, remember not to post anything about the incident until after you have consulted with an attorney, as statements can be taken out of context and have serious repercussions in any potential future legal proceedings. More than likely, your attorney will recommend not posting anything online until your case is finalized.

After a Car Accident, Don't Say You're "Fine" or "OK"

After being involved in a car accident, it is paramount to avoid merely stating that you are "fine" or "OK," as such responses can have repercussions further down the line. In certain situations, an insurance company may try to use statements like these against you if they become aware of any potential health-related issues that may come up in the future. Instead, report how you feel accurately and any pain points if you were hurt during the incident. This will ensure that your rights and interests are fully protected and strengthen any insurance claim you may need to file later.

Real Lawyers. Real Results.

Many people do not know what to do after a car accident. However, you can feel confident about proceeding with a personal injury case by not sharing anything more than required and avoiding social media.

The Connecticut personal injury attorneys at RisCassi & Davis, P.C. are ready to walk you through filing a personal injury claim. Our attorneys have represented Connecticut's injured for more than 65 years. Let us help you when you need it the most — reach out online or by phone to get started. (860) 245-2412