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Learn About The New Menacing Threat On The Road That You Never Considered


Light Through a Tunnel

Connecticut is in the midst of a drug abuse crisis—one that the Centers for Disease Control is now characterizing as an epidemic.

Consider this statistic: Approximately 62,000 Americans died from a drug overdose last year—the highest number the country has ever seen. In comparison, more than 58,000 US soldiers died in the Vietnam War; nearly 55,000 Americans died of car crashes at the peak of such deaths in 1972, and more than 43,000 died due to HIV/AIDS during that epidemic’s peak in 1995.

Drugged Driving Surpasses Drunk Driving

Even more staggering is that millions more are struggling with drug addiction, and with that comes consequences that are much more far-reaching–like the danger of driving under the influence. In fact, according to a recent report, drugged driving has now surpassed drunk driving.

According to data from the Governors Highway Safety Association and the Foundation for Advancing Alcohol Responsibility, positive drug tests were more common than the presence of high blood-alcohol levels among fatally injured drivers. Of those tested, 43% of motorists who died had drugs in their system, the report said. This number surpassed 37% of motorists who died and tested positive for alcohol in the same year.

In other words, as many as one out of every five drives you pass on the road may be impaired.

Why Drugged Drivers Are A Threat On The Road

Drugged drivers share a lot of the same dangerous characteristics as drunk drivers. This includes:

  •      Slow reaction times
  •      Poor judgment
  •      Erratic behavior
  •      Blurred vision
  •      Drowsiness
  •      Memory loss

How Can You Protect Yourself And Your Family From Drugged Drivers?

  •      Never drive under the influence of a drug capable of impairing your ability to drive.
  •      Drive defensively. Watch the trajectory of all vehicles traveling the highways with you. If you see erratic vehicular movements, assume the worst, and take appropriate evasive actions.
  •      If you see a vehicle traveling in a dangerous or erratic fashion, call 911 and report your location and the license plate number of the vehicle in question.

If you’re ever injured in a car accident of any kind, know that the Connecticut car accident lawyers at RisCassi and Davis have been assisting drivers injured in accidents for over 60 years. And we have received both state and national recognition for our work in this area. If you are ever in a car accident of any kind and would like a free consultation with one of our Connecticut car accident lawyers, please contact us. There is no obligation.