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Is it Time to Ban Roundup in the U.S.?


Did you know that over 40 countries have placed bans or significant restrictions on the use of the herbicide Roundup and glyphosate, a major component of many common herbicides?

Those countries include the U.K., France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Sweden, Portugal, Spain, Canada, and Australia.

Mexico and India have just announced bans.

Why has each nation taken this action?

Each has determined that glyphosate-based herbicides can cause cancer and reproductive diseases – to name just two.

The decisions of India and Mexico follow the release of five new research studies showing the damage Roundup and glyphosate do to animal reproductive systems.

  • “Are Glyphosate and Glyphosate-Based Herbicides Endocrine Disruptors that Alter Female Fertility?” published in Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology
  • “Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Formulations and Reproductive Toxicity in Animals,” published in Veterinary and Animal Science
  • “Neonatal Exposure to a Glyphosate-Based Herbicide Alters the Uterine Differentiation of Prepubertal Ewe Lambs,” published in Environmental Pollution
  • “Ovarian Mitochondrial and Oxidative Stress Proteins Are Altered by Glyphosate Exposure in Mice,” published in Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology
  • “Perinatal Exposure to Glyphosate or a Glyphosate-Based Formulation Disrupts Hormonal and Uterine Milieu During the Receptive State in Rats,” published in Food and Chemical Toxicology

What’s more, in 2015, the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer classified glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup® and other weed killers, as “probably carcinogenic to humans.”

In June, Monsanto agreed to pay out $10 billion to settle cancer claims from over 95,000 people.  More cases are pending.

Given all of this news – where does the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency stand on the use of glyphosate-based herbicides?  Surely it must agree with the scientific agencies of every other modern industrialized nation…?

Not exactly.

Under pressure from two of the most powerful lobbying groups in Washington, big agriculture and big chemical, the Trump Administration and the EPA recently ruled that neither RoundUp nor glyphosate cause cancer.

Health experts and environmentalists are stunned.

Lori Ann Burd, Director of Environmental Health for the Center for Biological Diversity, had this to say about the decision: “This administration’s troubling allegiance to Bayer/Monsanto and the pesticide industry doesn’t change the trove of peer-reviewed research by leading scientists finding troubling links between glyphosate and cancer.”

Monsanto (a Bayer subsidiary) has long claimed that glyphosate is harmless to humans.  Thanks to the efforts of attorneys representing victims whose cancer was caused by RoundUp, we know that Monsanto employees have intentionally misled consumers and regulators through the ghostwriting of scientific papers, data manipulation, and collusion with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Put simply – Monsanto chose (and continues to choose) profits over human health and environmental protection.

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