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Top Tips for School Zone Safety

pedestrian accidents

The beginning of the new school year is a special time for students. It's a chance to see their friends again and learn new things. But it's also important for children and teens to watch for drivers who may not be paying attention.

Below our team at RisCassi & Davis, P.C. shares safety tips students should follow while going to or from school this fall.

Be Aware

Students should always pay attention to their surroundings, especially nearby traffic. Drivers may not pay attention and not see a child, leading to potentially devastating consequences.

Students need to make sure they’re focused on the path ahead of them and not on a cell phone or other distracting device when out near traffic.

Stay in Groups

When going to or from school, students should stay in groups rather than travel by themselves. A driver is more likely to see a group of children than an individual, equating to better protection for the students on foot.

Crosswalk Traffic

Whenever possible, if a student must cross a street, they should do so at a light or stop sign in a crosswalk. Drivers, in theory, should stop far enough back so that pedestrians can easily see around their vehicle. This will help students feel more confident crossing the street.

Additionally, drivers should generally yield to pedestrians whether in a crosswalk or not. However, students should due their due diligence to the best of their ability and always look both ways across the street before crossing and traveling in a crosswalk.

Following these tips, drivers can help ensure everyone stays safe during the back-to-school season.

Injured While in a School Zone?

If you or a loved one was injured while in a school zone, the dedicated team at RisCassi & Davis, P.C. is here to help. Our experienced personal injury attorneys will put your best interests at the forefront and do everything possible to get your life back on track.

Reach out to our Connecticut personal injury lawyers online or by phone. (860) 245-2412